I run Samba 2.0.3. In the last few days, without changing anything in the configuration files, it started to dissapear from the network. I have set local/domain/prefered master and OS level 65. No WINS support. I have 1 linux/samba and 2 Win95 machines. In the log files I find : - nmbd locked when trying to become local master, the last log entry is truncated - smbd puts an "Information only" : file_init: 10000 open files requested, only 246 available. Samba is no longer seen on the network, smbclient returns connect error to local host. nmbd has 3-4 processes, which I can only kill. smbd has only 1. My smb.conf has nothing related to maximum open files. What is wrong? Thank you. -- Andrix E-mail: mailto:andrix@fx.ro Web : http://members.tripod.com/andrei_b