I have dedicated a Sparc 20 to serving files for about 10 users of a Microsoft AccessJet-engine-based permit tracking program. Performance is absolutely horrible, and their department is on the verge of DEMANDING an NT Server instead. This is following a gruesome period of permission issues which were finally resolved. How can I determine what's going on with this machine - why it's going so slow? I have a whole bunch of these in my log file: find_response_record: response packet id 20019 received with no matching record. find_subnet_for_nmb_packet: response record not found for response id 20019 find_response_record: response packet id 20019 received with no matching record. find_subnet_for_nmb_packet: response record not found for response id 20019 find_response_record: response packet id 20019 received with no matching record. find_subnet_for_nmb_packet: response record not found for response id 20019 Also some of these: 12/28/1999 12:14:12 request_oplock_break: no response received to oplock break r equest to pid 1048 on port 32876 for dev = 80000e, inode = 3b0e Can anyone help? Thanks. David J. Streb dstreb@ci.fitchburg.ma.us http://www.net1plus.com/users/fitchburg