The HP OpenView documentation recommends the use of PCNFS for connecting Windows-based (Management Consoles) to the HP OpenView databases on a UNIX-based (Management Server) system. However, I thought it would be neat if I could use SAMBA instead of having to install PCNFS on all of the NT systems. Anyway, the SAMBA installation went fine, and I can connect to the UNIX system using NT domain-level security. However, when I try to install the HP OpenView Management Console client software on an NT System, it complains that it cannot verify "file locking." I tried to set locking and strict locking on the G and H shares (see below) in the smb.conf, but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions? HP OpenView clients must lock the databases in /etc/opt/OV/share and /var/opt/OV/share in a way that allows other Management Consoles to get Read-Only access to these files. I guess I'm going to have to go to PCNFS if I can't get this to work. It's too bad too, because I was really starting to like SAMBA. --------------MY SMB.CONF (names and addresses altered to protect the innocent ;-)----------------------------------- [global] workgroup = MYGROUP server string = Samba Server load printers = yes log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m max log size = 50 security = domain password server = NTSERVERNAME encrypt passwords = yes socket options = TCP_NODELAY interfaces = v.x.y.z/24 v.x.y2.z/24 wins server = v.x.y.z2 dns proxy = no #============================ Share Definitions =============================[G] path = /etc/opt/OV/share browseable = yes guest ok = no writable = yes locking = yes strict locking = yes [H] path = /var/opt/OV/share browseable = yes guest ok = no writable = yes locking = yes strict locking = yes [rootdir] path = / browseable = yes guest ok = no [printers] comment = All Printers path = /usr/spool/samba browseable = no guest ok = no writable = no printable = yes Sincerely, Mark =======================| Mark Haldeman |= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | IMED Link, Inc. | | ph: (301) 897-0011 | fax: (301) 530-2728 ========================