I apologize for what must certainly be a common
configuration, but I've been trying for days to get it to work with
no luck.
We are running Samba 1.9.18p10 under Solaris 2.6. We are
trying to share a Solaris directory that a Windows 95 client will be
able to mount. Both hosts are on the same subnet. The network is an
Ethernet network. The network has an NT Server domain controller.
The Windows 95 host must also mount a directory that's shared by this
domain controller. At this point, security within this private
network isn't as important a consideration as making this share work.
The Windows client can mount the shared directory, but it
cannot delete any files in this directory or cd to a subdirectory
(the error message talks about no such path existing in both cases).
The Windows client can create a file in the shared directory,
however. But the Windows client must be able to create and delete
files in the shared directory. The samba service for this shared
directory works fine with Windows NT 4.0 clients.
I have tried so many combinations of samba service
definitions, Windows 95 configurations, etc. that I can't really
provide a meaningful example of the configuration that doesn't work -
none of them does!
Can someone please shed some light on this problem? A
simple service definition that is known to work with Windows 95
clients would be appreciated.
Thanks for your assistance!
Art Isbell
Applications Programmer/Analyst
Cheap Tickets, Inc. (for whom I DO NOT speak!)
1440 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 800
Honolulu, HI 96814
Voice: 1+808-945-7439
Fax: 1+808-945-0610