is this not in the FAQ yet?
In 2k (RC1,2 & 3(?))
Control Panel -> Admin tools -> Local Security Policy
Select Local Policies - Security Options
"Send Unencrypted Passwords to third party SMB servers" -> Enabled
Was broken in B3 RC1 (not sure about B3) and then you have to manually
edit the registry,
"enableplaintextpassword" = 1 (DWord)
Mark Peoples wrote:>
> Hello,
> I'm trying to mount my shares (setup in Samba) in Windows 2000 Beta 3.
> Windows 98, all was well, but, now in Windows 2000, I can get to the
> directory that is shared, but I can't map the drive because it requires
> password. I suppose I am asking if anyone knows how to turn off the
> password in Windows 2000 (encryption is not important to me as this is
> within a private network behind a firewall).
> Thanks,
> Mark Peoples -
Technology is a word that describes something that doesn't work yet.
Douglas Adams