I am trying to establish a share (/export/home) from a Solaris 2.6 / SUN Ultra-10 box. What should I put into the smb.conf file to accomplish this? Using the Swat did not accomplish my goal. Using Swat I could specify a share. But even after restarting the daemons I could not browse the SAMBA host (Windows NT: The remote computer is not available) from my NT client network neighborhood. I have even had the PDC administrator add the SAMBA host to the "neigborhood". Are there any firewall issues? This server is in our DMZ. We are doing a "FileDrive" (from Receipt.com) demo. And we would like to mount the FTP sites via SAMBA to an internal (clean side) NT server that will have full access ( for upload/download/transactions) to the individual private/customer FTP sites. Any help would be appreciated. What docs/FAQs should I read first? How do I post to the group? Is there a number I can call for technical support? Does money Talk?