First, My NT is at best weak when it comes to PDC and BDC
I have a LAN and WAN Enviroment and the two are about to crash.
Current version: SAMBA 2.04b
For 2+ Years I have been running SAMBA on a SPARC 1000E
(Solaris 2.5.1) as a PDC, We have about 10 shares, some are
public and everyone needs to see them and some by user and some
by groups. Security = user and authetecation is encryptic.
(smbpasswd). The clients are all W95 and W98 machines.
Corporate decide to standardize on NT and has set up a Corp PDC
for authentication and a East PDC for the Domain.
Corporate has done no reseach in they implentation on how to
migrate each locations current Fileservers to NT. Most have a
version of Novell. This Location and another have SAMBA (The other
is Version 1.9.XX I believe, I will need to deal with that on too)
What I need is a easy way to move my Users to the Corp PDC while
I keep the users/Files on SAMBA until I can slowly migrate them
Corporate wants to only add 10 users a day, but what I read is that it
is a all or nothing for Domain Logins. If a person is can not login to
the PDC does it comeback to the SAMBA Box for authenication, or
can it?
I know the way W95 is that If both Passwords are the same between
Domains I will have access to both when I try to connect to a
resource on the other. This maybe a workaround, but having Samba
and NT sync passwords, this sounds messy.
And if I do Domain logins what needs to be done on the NT side?
The Samba box will then join the EAST domain.
If I confused anybody, Join the Club : )
Unix System Administrator
Phone: (603)621-1853 Pager: 800-759-8888 PIN# 1734598
Cell: (603) 494-5450
Sanmina - New England - Plant 9