William Jojo said:> I just thought I'd throw this out there because it doesn't seem
> normal to me.
> We have 2.0.5a on AIX 4.3.2.
> We initially tried to increase the shared mem size to 4MB. This would
> not happen until we rebooted AIX. Then smbstatus reported a 4MB
> shared mem size. Now we are trying to decrease it because we will
> only need about 2MB and it won't reduce. I suspect it will when we
> reboot again.
> This does not seem like normal behavior to me. Could someone from the
> Team explain why this might happen?
This is actually the way SysV style shared memory works - we had same problems
under Solaris. Basicly you have to remove the shared memory to change the
size and Samba will not do this for you.
I wrote a little script which follows to give an idea of what to do:
# Simple script to release shared memory segment - to allow for resizing.
# To do this HAVE to stop ALL smbd - so only or schedule for quiet times.
# stop all smbd
/LOCAL/etc/rc3.d/S75smbd stop
# wait little while
/bin/sleep 10
# now remove shared memory by key - sorry for magic key
/bin/ipcrm -M 0x00280267
# restart smbd
/LOCAL/etc/rc3.d/S75smbd start
# end of shmem_release.sh
- obviously this is for my set up under Solaris - but should give the right
| Peter Polkinghorne, Computer Centre, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH,|
| Peter.Polkinghorne@brunel.ac.uk +44 1895 274000 x2561 UK |