We are running Samba 2.0.5a on an AIX 4.2.1 box, and since we upgraded from 1.9.18, a Windows 95 client reports intermittent problems (timeouts) when saving small files. The log.smb file has entries from those events: [1999/09/08 14:59:07, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(905) oplock_break resend [1999/09/08 14:59:17, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(905) oplock_break resend [1999/09/08 14:59:27, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(905) oplock_break resend [1999/09/08 14:59:37, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(922) oplock_break: receive_smb timed out after 30 seconds. oplock_break failed for file breve/weco.tex (dev = 290001, inode = 621734). [1999/09/08 14:59:37, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(992) oplock_break: client failure in break - shutting down this smbd. After reading the manual I though that this line in smb.conf ought to solve the problem: oplock break wait time = 50 However, this does not improve things (I even tried 250 msecs). So something is going wrong with the oplocks, and even if one may blame Windows 95, my question is: What should I do to eliminate this oplock problem ? Is it really a client problem ? Ole H. Nielsen Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark,
On Wed, 8 Sep 1999 23:28:46 +1000, hai scritto:>We are running Samba 2.0.5a on an AIX 4.2.1 box, and since >we upgraded from 1.9.18, a Windows 95 client reports>From the samba faq:==The advisory message means that you have either a defective network card on one of your clients, or else an MS Windows application is refusing to respond to an oplock break request from another MS Windows client that wishes to accessan already locked file. ==So check your nic's and cabling. If the above doesn't help, you can set "oplocks = no" (so did I) and the problem will disappear, though the performance may be affected negatively (I didn't notice). If you can reproduce the error "whenever you want" (that is if it _always_ happens when you do a _certain_ operation), then write about it to samba-bugs@samba.org. -- giulioo@tiscalinet.it
Dear Ole,> We are running Samba 2.0.5a on an AIX 4.2.1 box, and since > we upgraded from 1.9.18, a Windows 95 client reports > intermittent problems (timeouts) when saving small files. > The log.smb file has entries from those events:> [1999/09/08 14:59:07, 0] smbd/oplock.c:oplock_break(905) > oplock_break resend[..] Here we got the same problems and I believe it's got to do with the number of clients connected to the shares - it seems like these breaks happen more often when there are more clients connected... Best regards, Roman Bl?th. gosub communications | Fredersdorferstr. 10 | 10243 Berlin | Germany phone: [+49] (-30) 29 66 88 81 | fax: [+49] (-30) 29 66 88 84 | gosub.de PGP-Key: E-Mail with subject: "get pgp key"Hallo Ole Holm, Am 08.09.99, 23:28:19 hast du Folgendes geschrieben: