Hi, this is my first question in this lists so I apologize if it is obvious but I've read the related documentation and I still have doubts. In Encryption.txt it is suggested to allow the users change their passwords with smbpasswd putting null passwords=yes in the smb.conf file. Is it true that the superuser in the SAMBA host will need to sincronize the /etc/passwd file with the /etc/smbpasswd file changing the UNIX user account's password according to the new smbpassword? I think it's true. So, I don't see the usefulness in letting these remote password changes unless the users can remotely change their UNIX password too (eg with telnet). Is there any other means for changing the passwords remotely? I have SAMBA 2.0.2-19990209 on Linux 2.0.36 on a Pentium II with 128 MB RAM. Thanks, Eduardo F. Chao Gerente de Sistemas Soteica S.R.L. Tel: +54(11)4555-5703 (x236) Fax: +54(11)4551-0751