I've sent this mail some days ago, maybe it got lost ...
When I try to connect to smbd via smbclient, both Version
2.0, on a SUN Solaris 2.6 with a
running oracle database, I get the folloing error:
[1999/03/25 10:25:30, 1] smbd/files.c:file_init(219)
file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 1014 are available.
[1999/03/25 10:26:07, 0] locking/shmem_sysv.c:sysv_shm_open(563)
Can't create or use semaphore [1]. Error was No space left on device
[1999/03/25 10:26:07, 0] locking/locking.c:locking_init(169)
ERROR: Failed to initialise share modes!
Samba on a parallel machine (same hardware, same Solaris
2.6) runs without problems.
What means the "No space left on device" (There is enough
space on the disk)? What's the problem?
Gruß Ch. Krempe
Freie Universitaet Berlin Christoph Krempe
Universitaetsbibliothek Systemverwaltung
- Rechenzentrum - Tel: 030/8384583
Garystrasse 39 Fax: 030/8384582
14195 Berlin http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de/~ck
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Gruß Ch. Krempe
Freie Universitaet Berlin Christoph Krempe
Universitaetsbibliothek Systemverwaltung
- Rechenzentrum - Tel: 030/8384583
Garystrasse 39 Fax: 030/8384582
14195 Berlin http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de/~ck