(Configuration: Server: Samba 2.0.3 on Solaris7, Client: Win95 with or without SP1, encrypted passwords) I solved the problem of changing server passwords remote from Win95 clients. When I entered the command: net password \\server user oldpasswd newpasswd I always got an "error 86" (wrong password), even if "oldpasswd" was totally correct. I found the problem to be the functions check_lanman_password and change_lanman_password defined in smbd/chgpasswd.c Besides the fact, that I don't understand why both functions take pass1 (oldpasswd) and pass2 (newpasswd) as parameters (...check should need only pass1 and ...change should need only pass2 !?), I found the calculation of LANMan hashes to be totally wrong. Quick fix: In check_lanman_password, the following lines: /* Get the new lanman hash. */ D_P16(smbpw->smb_passwd, pass2, unenc_new_pw); /* Use this to get the old lanman hash. */ D_P16(unenc_new_pw, pass1, unenc_old_pw); should be replaced by something like { /* Calculate the old lanman hash */ uchar pw[14]; memset(pw, '\0', 14); fstrcpy(pw, pass1); E_P16(pw, unenc_old_pw); } Similar, in in change_lanman_password, the following lines: /* Get the new lanman hash. */ D_P16(smbpw->smb_passwd, pass2, unenc_new_pw); should be replaced by something like { /* calculate the new lanman hash */ uchar pw[14]; memset(pw, '\0', 14); fstrcpy(pw, pass2); E_P16(pw, unenc_new_pw); } This works, the oldpasswd is validated and the newpasswd ist set correctly from Win95. I'll send a copy of this message to samba-bugs@samba.org. By the way: There had been a system of abbreviations for the subject line of bug reports, but I find it no where on the samba web page. Does anybody know, where it's gone to? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christoph Zwerschke Zentrale Universit?tsverwaltung Heidelberg Abt 3.1-EDV E-Mail: christoph.zwerschke@sun1.zuv.uni-heidelberg.de WWW: http://www.zuv.uni-heidelberg.de/edv/zwerschke/