I'm running Linux 2.0.30 with versions of Samba from 1.9.18p4 on and am now running 2.0.2. I have found that people on our network who do not have an entry in the smbpasswd file on my Linux box cannot browse the Linux box. When they make an attempt to do so, they are prompted: "Password for IPC$" or similar. I can overcome this by adding an entry to my smb.conf as follows. [IPC$] public = yes Is this normal behaviour? ==================================== _--_|\ peter.sanders@dsto.defence.gov.au (Business) / DSTO \ Combatant Protection & Nutrition Branch, AMRL. \_.--._/ Defence Science & Technology Organisation v Fax : 61-3-9626 8410 Voice: 61-3-9626 8411 Peter Sanders sandersp@melbpc.org.au (Private) Voice: 61-3-9337-6612 BMW K100RT (Brunnhilde the Blue) =====================================