Hi all, People running AIX 3.x and 4.1.x have reported problems with smbd always running as root. Samba 1.9.18pX contained code to treat AIX as a trapdoor setuid system and used a (non-portable) setuidx call to achieve the correct setuid behaviour. Samba 2.0.x should detect this problem (via the trapdoor autoconf test) and use a varient of code that calls setuidx instead of set[res]uid - but this detection appears to be failing on AIX 3.x and 4.1.x systems. So, if you are running these systems and have the smbd running as root problems, please could you send me the output of your configure script (when run as root) to samba-bugs@samba.org so I can start fixing the problem. Unfortunately the Samba Team don't have access to an AIX 3.x or 4.1.x system - IBM were kind enough to donate an AIX system for us to test on - but naturally enough this is running 4.2 (their latest release). I'd like to get this fixed before I ship Samba 2.0.3, so help would be appreciated. Cheers, Jeremy Allison, Samba Team. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Buying an operating system without source is like buying a self-assembly Space Shuttle with no instructions. --------------------------------------------------------