Hi, Resize your email window for this one... My Samba users have NT 4.0SP3. The Samba server is a Sun with Solaris 2.6 and occasionally I get read-only problems with shared folders. The only other evidence of the problem is the "nobody nobody" userid status of those users (see below output from smbstatus). Any ideas how/why this could happen? How do I fix? Having users log off and log back on and re-establish there shares usually fixes the problem but that is a nuisance. Thanks, Ed Samba version 1.9.18p8 Service uid gid pid machine ---------------------------------------------- hw_root nobody nobody 15189 france ( Tue Feb 2 06:25:30 1999 hw_root jberner hardware 23476 lantern ( Tue Feb 2 09:57:09 1999 hw_root nobody nobody 16315 revere ( Tue Feb 2 07:20:26 1999 sw_root moscuzza software 9615 massacre ( Wed Feb 3 17:52:32 1999 sw_root tsawyer software 19982 sgt ( Tue Feb 2 09:10:38 1999 hw_root nobody nobody 16736 yikes ( Tue Feb 2 07:45:47 1999 sw_root dinesh software 17979 stamp ( Tue Feb 2 08:45:04 1999 matt matt software 17305 troop ( Tue Feb 2 08:13:44 1999 sqe_root davidm sqe 17685 brave ( Tue Feb 2 08:37:01 1999 dinesh dinesh software 17979 stamp ( Tue Feb 2 08:45:06 1999 sw_root rproven software 18038 two ( Tue Feb 2 08:47:01 1999 rproven rproven software 18038 two ( Tue Feb 2 08:47:02 1999 hw_root nobody nobody 9615 massacre ( Wed Feb 3 21:00:28 1999 Ed Sanborn (978) 691-6496 Northchurch Communications Inc. 5 Corporate Drive Andover, MA. 01810 Fax (978) 691-6300 http://www.northc.com