To: cc: From: Thomas Bail/External/CologneRe/GRN @ GRN Date: 02/03/99 04:35:58 PM Subject: Samba 2.0.0 and Router Hi everyone, one short question wich is maybe a little bitt off topic. I setup an internet router with an isdn dialup link to my provider with dynamic IP and masquarading - so far so good, after that i installed Samba 2.0.0 and disabled the isdn interface and samba works ok, but if i try to use both the router and samba i get call to the provider i do not want and samba does not appear in the browselist of my win98 machine. Could some one give me some hints to solve this problem (My idea was to setup a firewall). Unfortunatly i forgot my smb.conf at home so if someone says he need the smb.conf i will mail it to him. Thanks alot for every hint Thomas