Hello! I am having some weird performance issues, most likely due to an incorrectly set up domain arrangement; can someone give me some hints here? I have one machine, named "zeus", which runs samba and is the promary domain controller. I have a second machine, named "zephyr", which also runs samba but is not the primary domain controller. The problem: any disk access on the zephyr machine also causes an smb process on the zeus machine to take up an exorbitant amount of system time. I do not have any drives mapped to the zeus machine, so this is quite puzzling to me. The drawback here is that when zeus is bogged down, the zephyr access time becomes unbearable and a dozen users head into my office with weapons and threaten my life... not a good scene! Anyway, it appears to me that there is something I don't understand about how domains and shares fit in together; and the readme files didn't explain this one - can someone give me a few hints, please? Thanks! Mark