On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 08:57:27PM +1100, isabelle_michard@mail.schneider.fr
> Hello everybody
> We have installed samba v1.9.18p4 on solaris 2.5.1. And it works
> perfectly on PC NT4 workstation SP3.
> Now we have just received new PC NT4 with SP4. and now we are no more
> able to loggon to the server (but we do see the server name in the
> explorer).
> The NT message when clicking onto the server name is :
> \\<server> is not accessible.
> The account is not authorized to login from this station.
Looks like you have to enable plain-text-passwords. There is a ".reg"
in the samba sourche archive.
Greetings, FLorian Pflug