Hello list, i have problems using paradox tables (Paradox Level 5) via BDE (4.01 and 3.02) on my linux server, but their performance is very slow. At current, i'm using Samba 1.9.17p2 (and yes, i know this is not the current version, upgrad is planned). The configuration is very passive (locking for multiuser access to tables, direct write to disk). Does anybody have a suggestion on how to speed things up? Thanx in advance ________________________________________ K2IT Gesellschaft fuer Informationstechnik mbH Beratung - Entwicklung - Schulung - Vertrieb Ueberseering 21 * D-22297 Hamburg Tel. (040) 632 811 80 * Fax (040) 632 811 81 EMail: k2it@mediascape.de * WWW: k2it.mediascape.de ---------- :-) Auf diese Software koennen Sie bauen!