Hello. I have the following entries, among others, in my smb.conf file: ===== cut here ==== logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U [profiles] comment = User Profiles path = /usr/home/profiles public = yes writable = yes browseable = yes ===== cut here ==== So, I expect 'net use z: /home' on a win95 machine to map z: to /usr/home/profiles/name_of_current_user. However, it maps z: to /usr/home/profiles, with the subdirectories of all users available to everyone whoever does 'net use z: /home'. How does mapping after 'net use /home' depend upon the 'logon path' variable? What could I be doing wrong? Thanks a lot for any input. -- Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE, http://www.dtu.tsu.ru/~vas PGP Public Key: finger vas@gateway.dtu.tsu.ru