Hello, I'm using Samba version 1.9.18p10. I am trying to backup a Win95 disk with smbtar, but it skips lots of files without any apparant reason. For example, I have a directory C:\Acrobat3, with various subdirectories. With smbclient I can see and browse them just fine: smb: \> cd Acrobat3 smb: \Acrobat3\> dir . D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:24 1998 .. D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:24 1998 Distillr D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:24 1998 Exchange D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:46 1998 Reader D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:45:28 1998 65526 blocks of size 32768. 65526 blocks available smb: \Acrobat3\> cd Distillr smb: \Acrobat3\Distillr\> dir . D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:24 1998 .. D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:24 1998 ADISTRES.DLL A 248832 Tue Jun 17 14:14:46 1997 ACRODIST.EXE A 2004480 Tue Jun 17 14:14:06 1997 DATA D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:28 1998 FONTS D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:42 1998 STARTUP D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:46 1998 XTRAS D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:42:46 1998 tmp D 0 Wed Aug 19 12:43:06 1998 messages.log A 881 Sun Sep 20 01:01:38 1998 However, when I use smbtar to backup the Acrobat3 directory, only the Reader subdir is read, and the others are skipped: [nemesis.stuyts.nl:dump/pc]334: smbtar -v -s branno -x c -p '***' -t a.tar Acrobat3 server is branno share is c\\ tar args is tape is a.tar blocksize is Added interface ip=x.x.x.x bcast=x.x.x.255 nmask= Server time is Wed Oct 7 19:29:34 1998 Timezone is UTC+2.0 security=share 20480 ( 363.6 kb/s) \Acrobat3\Reader\DeIsL1.isu 56704 ( 608.5 kb/s) \Acrobat3\Reader\Readme.wri .... 109568 ( 708.6 kb/s) \Acrobat3\Reader\PLUG_INS\weblnk32.api 90624 ( 491.7 kb/s) \Acrobat3\Reader\Browser\nppdf32.dll tar: dumped 70 tar files Total bytes written: 5466624 So it is skipping both the Distillr and the Exchange directories. This also happens with other directories. All in all, there are 10971 on the C: drive, but only 8305 are backed-up using smbtar. Is this a bug in smbtar, or am I overlooking something? Ben