We got a huge network with 20000 users and 800 clients. We are running 4 (freebsd) servers with samba 1.9.18p8. Each are configured with two virtual interfaces. Two smbd processes are started with different smb.conf files: [global] socket address = netbios name = SAMBASTUD1 workgroup = NTNU-S wins server = security = server password server = xx yy ... [global] socket address = log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.smb_klar netbios name = SAMBAKLAR1 workgroup = NTNU-S wins server = security = user .... The question is: How do I make nmbd register the two interfaces with two different wins names? (It seems not possible to start to nmbd processes) (i.e i want to be registred in wins as SAMBAKLAR1 and as SAMBASTUD1) I though this was the whole point with the "socket address" in samba? I'm i missing something? -- Knut Petter Svendsen knutpett@stud.ntnu.no