> Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 13:54:51 +0300
> From: "Alexander Polonsky" <px@icyb.kiev.ua>
> To: <samba@samba.anu.edu.au>
> Subject: Server description
> Message-ID: <199810011054.NAA05241@volcano.icyb.kiev.ua>
> Hi all!
> I have a tiny problem with my Samba server : it appears in browse list
> all the times with comment Samba 1.9.17p2. How to change the comment to
> something more meaningful? I tried to use comment = and server string >
commands in [global] section, but it doesn't work. What else can I do?
server string = Something more meaningful
Then you need restart NMBD process.
Best regards
Ludek Babor E-Mail: Babor@Glavunion.cz
operation manager E-Mail: Ludek.Babor@Glavunion.cz
Glavunion, a.s., Teplice Tel: +420-417-503085 (+420-602-388003)
Sklarska 450 Fax: +420-417-508085
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