Steve Resnick wrote:> > I must object!!!!! killall works fine on some systems (e.g.: Linux)
> > on Solaris, killall does just that --- it kills ALL processes.
Dan Stromberg replied:> I generally like sun, but sun really blew it on this killall thing.
> They took a standard name for something really useful and made it do
> something other than what it should.
Relax, they put it in /usr/sbin, along with other stuff
that should be acessable in single-user (and by implication
shouldn't normally be in one's path).
It's not in mine, but it is in root's. Care is recommended!
Personally, have a restart command in /etc/rc2.d/S95samba.server...
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify some people
185 Ellerslie Ave., | and astonish the rest. -- Mark Twain
Willowdale, Ontario |,
N2M 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |