I have dug through howto's and readme's and man pages looking for an answer to this and saw no references to what I am interested in. What I would like to do is instead of having Samba actually deleting files when people using WFW and Win95 clients to remove files from the server, I would like for Samba to copy them to a dir, say /home/trash. I have no clue as to how Samba deletes files, but I was thinking that if it used the rm command you could add a feature, if it does not already exists, to substitute rm with a different command or a shell script. This would be called in much the same manner as LPQ COMMAND or PRINT COMMAND in SMB.CONF. Does such a thing already exist? If it involves modifying the source I am in trouble seeing as how I am C stupid. Thanks to all involved with Samba for such a great package, it saved our corporate bacon, when we outgrew our pitiful file server a few months back. andysims@headsupusa.com