Hello to all, I connect from a Linux machine (als client) to an NT4 (service pack 3) server. On Linux side I use: kernel 2.0.34 samba 1.9.18p8 smbfs-2.0.2 I connect from the Linux PC via PPP ( with MS-CHAP) to the NT4 server. I tested first with smbclient: I can upload to the NT4 server text files of any dimension, ( with CR LFs ) but when I try to send binary files, (an ELF linux executable for example) IT DOES NOT WORK. smbclient , after a long timeout says me: Error writing remote file (2) and smbclient does not exits. putting short binary files ( < 512 bytes ) works. but even when sending text files, sometimes the smbclient dumps core !!!! you can find one of my core files at http://www.gardena.net/benno/smbclient_core.gz I made the same tests with smbfs 2.0.2 after callling smbmount , the directory is mounted, uploading text files works, and with binary the cp process hangs, and I must kill -9 the process. Are these problems perhaps caused from the win NT4 machine ? PLEASE REPLY BY E-MAIL TOO, BECAUSE I HAVEN'T SUBSCRIBED TO THE SAMBA MAILING-LISTS. thank you for all the help. best regards, Benno.