--------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Contributions to the Samba CD Distribution --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Samba Team is preparing to issue a CD distribution of each stable release of the Samba SMB server. The CD will include the complete Samba ftp archive, including the latest and previous stable and alpha releases, the CVS source code tree, a library of contributed tools and utilities, and anything else we can think of. We are aware that there are many Samba management utilities in various stages of development, numerous clever scripts and hacks, and several projects that make use of Samba source code. We want to include as many of these independent projects as possible to demonstrate the sort of things being done with Samba and help spur the continued improvement of Samba. Like all successfull free software projects, Samba has grown and improved because of user contributions. Some examples of the sort of things that have in mind are (but not limited to): - configuration and management utilities Examples are web-based management utilities and GUI smb.conf editors. - other projects which make use of Samba source code An example is the Apache module that authenticates users using an NT server. - useful scripts and hacks that are related to Samba It is preferred that all contributions be licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL), or Library GNU Public License (LGPL). Software licensed under different terms may be considered if the license specifically grants the right to modify and redistribute the software's source code without restriction. An example of such a license is Larry Wall's Artistic License. Including software licensed under other terms would complicate the distribution terms of the CD. In other words, we urge you to use the GPL to license your software, but other licenses may be acceptable and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. All contributions must be received by March 1, 1998 to be included on the first release of the CD. Contributions received after that date will be included on the next CD release. If you have something to contribute or have any questions please contact John Blair by e-mail at john.blair@brainwell.com, or by phone at [usa] (205) 975-7123.