Sundar Narasimhan wrote:>
> Question re: 1.9.16-patched performance. Hi, I have samba (version
> indicated) running on Solaris 2.5.1. Recently we upgraded from 10B-T
> to 100B-T and now, I periodically notice that performance between
> samba and our NT SP3 clients slows down dramatically. Using snoop -- I
> see that NT writes large packets as before, but samba only sends
> packets that around 300-360 bytes. Needless to say this seems to be
> intermittent and quite frustrating.
Do you have TCP_NODELAY set as a socket option in your smb.conf ?
If so, this could cause the problem as every write from
Samba will then generate a packet.
Upgrading to 1.9.18p2 with oplock support will also
help greatly.
Jeremy Allison,
Samba Team.
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