On a side note, I know everybody talks about EnablePlainTextPasswords in the
registry, and it even says it in the Readme.txt that came with WindowsME.
But it's not in my registry at all.
I've done it in Win2k, but it's just not in WindowsME, at least not
----- Original Message -----
From: "Travis Roy" <travisr@mediaone.net>
To: <samba@us5.samba.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 1998 12:47 PM
Subject: Strange WindowsME problem
> Okay, here's the deal, I had Win98 but it was giving me all kinds of
issues,> but at least I was able to get to the samba mounts on my linux box. I
> upgraded to Windows ME with a clean install, totally formated my drive.
> Now, if I go to my network neighborhood I can see the computer, I can log
on> to computer and see my folders, but when I click on the folder it hangs
and> I can't see what's in the folder.
> I currently have encrypted passwords in my smb.conf file on and I have
wins> resolution turned off on my Windows ME box.
> I'm running samba-2.0.7-21ssl on my RedHat 7 machine.
> Thanks,
> -Travis