At 01:24 AM 11/6/97 +1100, Johan Hedin <> wrote:
>Allan Bjorklund (Bj?rklund?) wrote
>> I've noticed quite a few people on this list asking for a way of
>> logging their users onto a SAMBA server using Kerberos. We've done
>> this by writing a GINA for NT and a network provider wrapper for
>> Win95.
>This is brilliant! I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising. Will
>it be part of the official Samba distribution?
At the minimum, let's get this documented and added to the .docs
directory. Would someone using this setup be willing?
| J. Bryan Maggard, Research Associate |
| TAMU Petroleum Engineering |
| 501-X Richardson Building Phone: (409) 845-0592 |
| College Station, TX 77843-3116 FAX: (409) 845-1307 |
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