Hello All, I am running SAMBA Version 1.9.17p2. In my "/usr/local/samba/log." file I have grunch loads of the following lines: Unknown parameter encountered: "client code page" Ignoring unknown parameter "client code page" Unknown parameter encountered: "local master" Ignoring unknown parameter "local master" Yet, in the file that I created when I ran testparm it reported "client code page: 437" and "local master: No". Both of which are as I want them. Plus, in my "/usr/local/samba/var/log.nmb" file it tells me: "Samba is now a local master browser for workgroup ATZHDI..." which I do NOT want, and I thought I was turning off by putting "local master no" in my smb.conf file. I figure that there is some simple "gotcha" that I am missing. Thoughts? Chris damour@enrmo2.gordon.army.mil USASC & Fort Gordon, ATZH-DIE (Mr. Damour) damourc@profs.gordon.army.mil Fort Gordon, GA 30905-5040 (706) 791-2327/2397 check out: All mispellings and typographical errors are http://enrmo2.gordon.army.mil randomly inserted by a program to confuse anti-democracy forces. (Honest!)