Hello, I try the following in a Win95 box: NET PASSWORD \\SAMBA username * * to change a user password on my unix system running samba from Win95. I was hoping the default password... options in smb.conf were correct, but it doesn't. Is there anybody who can do that ? Thanks for your help, -Christofer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Christophe Dumont * * * Service d'Informatique de gestion * E-mail: C.Dumont@mercure.umh.ac.be * * Facult? Warocqu? Sc. Eco * panoramix.umh.ac.be/christof * * UNIVERSITE DE MONS - HAINAUT * * * Place Warocqu?, 17 * Voice : +32 65 37 32 99 * * B-7000 MONS BELGIUM (EUROPE) * Fax : +32 65 37 30 79 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *> L'imagination est le commencement de la cr?ation. <* *> On imagine ce que l'on d?sire; on veut ce que l'on imagine; <* *> et on finit par cr?er ce que l'on veut. = BERNARD SHAW <* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------