IMPORTANT: Security bugfix for Samba ------------------------------------ A security hole in all versions of Samba has been recently discovered. The security hole allows unauthorized remote users to obtain root access on the Samba server. An exploit for this security hole has been posted to the internet so system administrators should assume that this hole is being actively exploited. The exploit for the security hole is very architecture specific and has been only demonstrated to work for Samba servers running on Intel based platforms. The exploit posted to the internet is specific to Intel Linux servers. It would be very difficult to produce an exploit for other architectures but it may be possible. A new release of Samba has now been made that fixes the security hole. The new release is version 1.9.17p2 and is available from This release also adds a routine which logs a message if anyone attempts to take advantage of the security hole. The message (in the Samba log files) will look like this: ERROR: Invalid password length 999 you're machine may be under attack by a user exploiting an old bug Attack was from IP=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the machine performing the attack. Please report any attacks to the appropriate authority. The Samba Team