A week or so ago I upgraded from Samba 1.9.13 to 1.9.17alpha5 and configured SMB password encryption. Everything works fine except for printing from all clients (Win3.11, Win95, WinNT) to a Samba-shared printer. Prior to the upgrade, printing worked fine, so I'm presuming the problem is something to do with password encryption (the NT client returns a "Access Denied" error, Win95 returns one of those "unknown system error" messages). But the thing that has me puzzled is that printing doesn't need a password (public = yes) and this worked fine before! Other non-passworded public shares also work fine. I've checked that user "nobody" can print, and again, this worked fine before the upgrade to 1.9.17alpha5. I've scanned the archives but found nothing apparently related to this problem. Any clues or suggestions gratefully welcomed. Here are the relevant sections of my smb.conf - [global] security = share printing = sysv printcap name = /opt/samba-1.9.17alpha5/etc/printcap load printers = yes guest account = nobody password level = 1 encrypt passwords = yes [printers] comment = All Printers browseable = no printable = yes path = /tmp public = yes writable = no create mode = 0700 [dsl] comment = DSL Foyer Printer printer = dsl path = /tmp browseable = yes printable = yes public = yes writable = no create mode = 0700 Thanks in advance for any help, Rod. |===========================================================================| | Rod Evans Divisional Manager CSIRO Division of Animal Production | | (Networks/Computing) Locked Bag 1, Delivery Centre | | Blacktown, NSW 2148 | | Internet: AUSTRALIA | | R.Evans@prospect.anprod.csiro.au Tel: (61) (02) 9840 2700 | | Fax: 9840 2940 | |===========================================================================|