Fyodor Yarochkin <fygrave@freenet.bishkek.su> wrote:
> so far i have another problem, i can not browse windoze, (is it possible)
> when i try to connect to windoze machine:
> ( i have such entry in /etc/passwd)
> slav5.freenet.bishkek.su steve
> BlackStar:/usr/samba/bin# smbclient -L \\\\steve
> Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Session request failed (131,130) with myname=BLACKSTAR destname=STEVE
> Called name not present
> Try to connect to another name (instead of STEVE)
> You may find the -I option useful for this
> BlackStar:/usr/samba/bin#
> i get such error, any ideas?
> ------------------------------
and Glynn Clements answered:
> Try:
> smbclient -I -L \\\\steve
(Maybe this won't work too.)
For a short time I experienced the same problem and found out the
following: samba seems to only use the very first name behind the
ip number in /etc/hosts ! name aliases don't work.
smbclient -L slav5.freenet.bishkek.su
should work.
(I'm using samba 1.9.16p10)
greetings, Andreas
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schoelver
FH Bochum, Institut fuer Automatisierung,
Labor fuer Prozessdatenverarbeitung und
(bisher: Labor fuer Informatik)
Tel.: ++49-(0)-234/700-6908
Lennershofstrasse 140, 44801 Bochum
Mitarbeiter im Arbeitskreis Parallel-
Kuehneplatz 3, 44799 Bochum
Tel.: ++49-(0)-234 / 9 73 15 04
60.45 bogomips