On 6/7/06, Matt Lewandowsky <matt at iamcode.net>
> Hello,
> I''ve been running Installer Version 184-16-RC2 for almost a month
> I just updated my Windows Live OneCare antivirus definitions and now
> WLOC is complaining that uninstall.exe is infected with
> TrojanDownloader:Win32/Agent!DE3E .
> Is this a known false-positive, or should I be worried? I''m not
> to uninstall Ruby, but anytime a process gets file information for that
> folder''s contents, I get a virus warning as my foreground window.
> The MD5 of my uninstall.exe is D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E . Is
> this the proper checksum? Or did a virus actually infect my uninstaller?
> I saw nothing on the wiki regarding this, and I couldn''t find a
> channel on freenode to ask.
My checksum is for the uninstall.exe is 45bd1df7777952903d912b7bae251021, so
I think there is something wrong with yours. I have attached my copy of the
uninstaller so that you can replace yours. I had to rename the extension
from exe to dat because gmail wouldn''t let me attach an exe file.
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