Luis Lavena
2007-Nov-30 23:55 UTC
[Rubyinstaller-devel] ruby-zlib 0.6.0 has been merged back into ruby_1_8
Hello guys, While I was re-doing the steps to compile ruby18 (for info to come soon) I found that ruby-zlib 0.6.0 *is already* part of ext/zlib in the ruby_1_8 branch (and think it is also on trunk). Also, it seems they have corrected the lookup of library, which we needed to replace to get it compiled with standard zlib. So, I think will reduced one dependency and tweaking situation. More info soon :-D -- Luis Lavena Multimedia systems - Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. Vince Lombardi