Drag and drop depends on a bunch of things like OS, desktop environment,
and file manager. But in general it is about the same as a cp without
any options.
The upside is that cp and similar are usually faster than rsync since a
client/server model without any networking isn't very efficient.
The downside is that without copying timestamps if you ever want to use
rsync on the same dirs it won't have any idea what is different or not.
Essentially, 'rsync -au --inplace' is pretty much the same as 'cp
The big problem with either (same for rsync -au --partial) is that since
a partial file is left in place with a current time stamp when you run
it again the incomplete file is newer than the original and therefore it
is never fixed unless the source file gets touched to a newer date.
If I had a bunch of stuff to copy locally I would probably use cp -vau
and just have to remember to rm the incomplete file if I aborted the cp
or if it failed.
Of course there are other features rsync has that cp doesn't have such
as include/exclude/filter and --delete. So, there are times when it is
still a significant advantage locally despite the performance hit.
On 06/28/2016 03:10 PM, McDowell, Blake wrote:> Thanks Paul. That should help!
> Kevin,
> For a local copy is running a plain rsync transfer ( rsync <src>
<dest> ) essentially the same as a "drag-and-drop"?
> The benefits of using rsync in that situation would all come from choosing
flags appropriate to the desired transfer?
> Thanks,
> Blake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rsync [mailto:rsync-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Paul
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 7:36 AM
> To: rsync at lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: --partial not working?
> On Fri 24 Jun 2016, Kevin Korb wrote:
>> Again, --partial only means don't delete the incomplete file if
>> is aborted. Normally rsync will delete the incomplete file so you
>> don't have bogus files laying around.
>> When you rsync to or from a network mount to rsync that is a local
>> To use rsync over the network either your source or your target would
>> be hostname:/path (for rsync over ssh) or hostname::module (for an
>> rsyncd server).
>> With a local copy rsync forces --whole-file because that is a simple
>> read the file from one place and write it to the other place. If you
> If you are 100% sure that the source file has not changed in the meantime,
you could use -P --append as that tells rsync that the destination file is
identical to the source file as far as the data exists. So rsync will just
append the remaining data to the file without bothering to check it.
> According to a test I did --append isn't overridden by --whole-file so
it should work.
> Paul
> --
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Kevin Korb Phone: (407) 252-6853
Systems Administrator Internet:
FutureQuest, Inc. Kevin at FutureQuest.net (work)
Orlando, Florida kmk at sanitarium.net (personal)
Web page: sanitarium.net
PGP public key available on web site.
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