On 3/11/2013 4:18 PM, Mark Casey wrote:> Hello,
> I'm trying to do something that did not sound difficult, but no option
> tried seems to be working. I apologize in advance if I'm missing
> obvious.
> I need to sync only directories from one tree to a similar, but older tree
> *without* updating the modtimes of directories that already exist in the
> destination. Or phrased the other way, I want to entirely skip
transferring or
> updating directories that already exist in the destination, without
regard to
> modtime. Right now I'm using something along the lines of:
> rsync -nav --no-t --numeric-ids --relative --include='*/'
--exclude='*' \
> /media/mnt/files /media/backups/mnt/
> I've also tried messing with --checksum, --ignore-existing, and
--size-only to
> get rsync to ignore modtimes but I think most of what I'm trying is
intended to
> work on files and not dirs.
> Any insights?
> In case you want to know... The use case is that I'm trying to get
rsnapshot to
> work with rsync --detect-renamed, and so need to pre-populate new
> to the destination to get partial dir to operate for the rename
> lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2009-November/024225.html
> Since rsnapshot calls the preexec script and *then* rotates you end up
> the dirs to the previous snapshot too even though they did not exist when
> was taken. I'm working on a specific method that would avoid this.
> TIA,
> Mark
I was wrong. The command I listed is working after all, I just wasn't
evaluating the results correctly. Sorry for the extra noise.
Thank you,