Andreas Moroder
2010-Sep-29 16:05 UTC
rsync: link_stat "." (in sprengel) failed: Permission denied (13)
Hello, we have a old version of rsync running since 2005. Now I tried to sync between two new servers with rsync 3.0.7 and get the error rsync: link_stat "." (in sprengel) failed: Permission denied (13) On one server ( ) I have rsync running as daemon and this rsyncd.conf read only = true use chroot = false transfer logging = true log format = %h %o %f %l %b log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log hosts allow = [sprengel] gid = nogroup path = /data01/abteilungen/sprengelfotos/ comment = Fotos vom Sprengel auth users = sprengel secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets I would like to sync the files in /data01/abteilungen/sprengelfotos/ with the directory /tmp/sync on the "client" so I started rsync as follows rsync -r -t -p -o -g --progress --password-file=/etc/rsyncd.pass.sprengel sprengel at /tmp/sync What is wrong in my configuration and why this "Permission denied error" ? Thank you very much Andreas
Mac User FR
2010-Sep-30 14:01 UTC
rsync: link_stat "." (in sprengel) failed: Permission denied (13)
Le 30 sept. 10 ? 11:39, andreas.moroder at a ?crit :>> Verify the user doing the transfer have write access on the >> sprengel module. >> > Hello, > > do you mean the user on the client ( while testing it is root ) > on the server where I started rsync as daemon as root > or does it change group according to rsyncd.conf when running as > daemon ?The user as whom the rsync session is starting at the server side. Regards, Vitorio
Maybe Matching Threads
- access denied but only in cetain situations
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- [Bug 14407] New: link_stat ... failed: No such file or directory: should mention which end of the connection it is talking about