Hi, I'm trying to backup a directory over ssh that is named according to the date, such as "20091104" on the remote side, and compare it to yesterday's backup on the local side, such as "20091103". I'm pretty sure I understand how rsync include/exclude works, and I believe that is the root of the problem. In my ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file I have the key, with the leading command: command="/usr/bin/rsync --server --sender -vnlogDtprze.is . /backup/servers/serverA/cdrive/" Running rsync on the remote side with this key prints the directories under cdrive/, which are the previous backups, like 20091102, 20091103, and 20091104. I can solve this problem by making the key contain the full path to the specific date directory, but that changes every day, so it's not very practical. The rsync command I'd like to be able to use is this: rsync -avze "ssh -i keyname" --link-dest=/backup/host/server/cdrive/20091103 --include=20091104 \ --exclude="*"