I am looking for a way to backup Microsoft Exchange servers offsite. I am OK offering something like Backup Exec and doing a d2d then subsequently rsyncing those backup files but it doesn't seem to sync those files efficiently. Has anybody found a good solution for something like this? _________________________ Stephen Zemlicka Service Manager Computer Heroes 132 West 6th Street Monroe, WI 53566 (608) 329-4300 steve@computerheroes.com <mailto:steve@computerheroes.com> -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
You need to use shadow copies to create a drive you can use with rsync, or you have to take Exchange offline. You can use vshadow.exe (use version 3.0) to create the shadow copy and then expose it as a drive. Then use rsync to sync this point-in-time backup to your offsite location across an ssh tunnel. vshadow with the -w option means it will tell the Exchange writer to create a consistent backup so you won't have problems with recovery. There is plenty of documentation on how to use vshadow to expose a shadow copy as a drive. When using rsync to send it offsite be sure to use the -I option since the date/time option of the exchange edb file will not necessarily change. You can also use betest (VSS SDK) to truncate logs periodically and use the -I option only when you truncate the logs. The rest of the time you will get the logs and you can do a soft recovery against your edb in the event of a disaster. If you truncate logs or use circular logging you have to use -I to force a sync even if the date/time has not changed. Rob