This is my first post to this list.
I have been backing up some files with rsync from My Mac OS X 10.4.7
machine, which uses HFS+ filesystem to a FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE machine,
which uses UFS2 filesystem. They go across a 100-base-T lan, which
has little or no traffic on it.
On my Mac, I mount the nfs exported volume on the FreeBSD machine with:
$ mount -t nfs moe:/backup /Users/Charles/mnt
I recently had to restore these files, and not all of them survived
the trip.
I should mention that I did not use rsync to do the restore. I
mounted the nfs share on the FreeBSD machine, and copied them over to
the Mac.
These file types are a mixed bag, text, stuffit
(.sit), .zip, .dmg, .cdr.
They range in size from a few kb to > 6GB.
The errors I received when trying open some of the restored files all
said, "codec overrun".
What would be the correct strategy for using rsync in this situation?
I'm currently trying - $ rsync -auv --stats --delete-after -E
Downloads mnt
This is the result of the above:
Number of files: 285
Number of files transferred: 221
Total file size: 11944456864 bytes
Total transferred file size: 11944456908 bytes
Literal data: 11945417393 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 8264
Total bytes sent: 11946893337
Total bytes received: 4440
sent 11946893337 bytes received 4440 bytes 4299765.26 bytes/sec
total size is 11944456864 speedup is 1.00
rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /
Bubba's Recipe Collection -
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