on 8/6/06 5:00 AM, rsync-request@lists.samba.org at
rsync-request@lists.samba.org wrote:
>>> > > rsync can be used in conjunction with several transport
protocols. In
>>> > > one incarnation, you can tell rsync about a command
(supplied with the
>>> > > -e command line option) that'll execute a given
command (that'll be
>>> > > supplied on the command line) on a remote host.
>>> > >
>>> > > The usual usage is to tell rsync to use ssh so shift all
the data over
>>> > > the internet. That way, you can strongly authenticate the
remote host
>>> > > (so that simple IP spoofing won't give an attacker
all of your backup)
>>> > > as well as encrypt all the traffic.
>> >
>> > time sudo rsync -a -v -e ssh "/Volumes/Firewire\ 600"
>> > 250a --eahfs --showtogo --update
>> >
>> > In this, I don't understand any of the options after the two
volumes, with
>> > the exception of --update. Can you explain what all this means?
> --eahfs isn't available in my version of rsync, but Googling for it
> reveals that it's an extension used on MacOS to backup "resources
> metadata" (cf. hardware.mcse.ms/message191839.html).
> --showtogo as well isn't supported by my rsync version, but Google
> tells that it's probably used to get some "remaining files to be
> synchronized" estimation of some sort, cf.
> goland.org/rsync .
>> > This script was generated using RsyncX. I bring that up because,
hfs looks
>> > suspiciously like the Mac OS X File System.
> :)
> So either don't use the HFS+ extension (--showtogo seems to only be
> eye-candy) and backup only the pure data (loosing some metadata), or
> search for the patches adding the --eahfs code and recompile (or
> install prepared binaries if available.)
> MfG, JBG
> Hi, Jan--
> Thanks again for the information. I was wondering why they weren?t in man
> All My Best,
> Jeffrey
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