hi, i've some problem with rsync on my os x 10.4. the rsync was periodically launched by an applescript i backup data from many machines (6) to an IP big volume (Lacie 1.8 TBytes) after some day of fine work, i found no syncronization on my Lacie. from apple window i mount a DATA volume on my desktop and i don't find that the sync was stopped at two days afore however from terminal cd /Volumes/ i found two different destination directory: DATA and DATA-1, where the second one (not created by anyone) contain the not sync folders, subfolders and files relative to the all client machines while the first one contain only 1 folder relative to one machine with synced folders, subfolders and file. i don't understand what's happen and why the DATA-1 folder was created. have you some advice? thank you 1000