Hi I am using cygwin1.dll to run rsync and ssh on a xp machine( no complete cygwin install). I can use this commannd to backup my folder on the C drive: "rsync251-2 -e ssh -av "\Documents and Settings\demo\Desktop" demo@removehost:/tmp/test/". But I am unable to figure out how to backup the entire D drive. "rsync251-2 -e ssh -av "d:" demo@removehost:/tmp/test/" I got this error message ssh d: no address assoicated with name. Thanks for your help.
Am Montag, 8. November 2004 06:15 schrieb demo:>Hi >I am using cygwin1.dll to run rsync and ssh on a xp machine( no complete >cygwin install). I can use this commannd to backup my folder on the C drive: >"rsync251-2 -e ssh -av "\Documents and Settings\demo\Desktop" >demo@removehost:/tmp/test/". > >But I am unable to figure out how to backup the entire D drive. >"rsync251-2 -e ssh -av "d:" demo@removehost:/tmp/test/"Try: "/cygdrive/D/" or "/cygdrive/D/*" instead of "d:" Manfred