Hi, I'm using rsync/ssh/cygwin to sync two very large directory hierarchies. While testing with one of the subdirectories (this subhierarchy has about 1000 subfolders and 17000 files), I experience the following behavior: rsync 2.6.2 on both ends. Client command: rsync -v -v -r --delete -t --progress --rsh="ssh -l mpdm -i ADMIN/rsa-mpdm01" MPDM-W2K3::"MPDM/17B - CONTROL" "17B - CONTROL" Server entry in ~mpdm/.ssh/authorized_keys: command="rsync --server --daemon ." ssh-rsa <key> rsync.conf: [MPDM] path = /cygdrive/g read only = true Client ouput: opening connection using ssh -l mpdm -i ADMIN/rsa-mpdm01 MPDM-W2K3 rsync --server --daemon . receiving file list ... [receiver] expand file_list to 131072 bytes, did move 2000 files... rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /home/lapo/package/tmp/rsync-2.6.2/io.c(354) The server crashed, but left rsync.exe.stackdump: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=77F48787 eax=0024E000 ebx=00240000 ecx=00690077 edx=00610072 esi=0024DFF8 edi=0024F000 ebp=0022C58C esp=0022C580 program=C:\cygwin\bin\rsync.exe, pid 320, thread main cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023 Stack trace: Frame Function Args 0022C58C 77F48787 (00690077, 0024F000, 0022C5B8, 00000000) 0022C5C4 77F50CDE (00240000, 00000038, 0022CD2E, 0022C868) 0022C7F0 77F47684 (00240000, 000C0000, 0000002C, 0022CD2E) 0022CAD8 77E4757D (00FDEC00, 00000000, 0022CAF8, 00000000) 0022CD58 77E4E357 (0A0B24B0, 0022D000, 00004000, 00000007) 0022D158 6103259F (61782418, 0A0B2488, 0022D188, 61782418) 0022D198 6101B61F (0A0B2488, 0022D320, 00000103, 00412674) 0022D2F8 6108DB9F (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022D320, 61782210) 0022D448 00413AB7 (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022D480, 00000001) 0022D5A8 00413D06 (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022D5D0, 204F4954) 0022D6F8 00413AB7 (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022D730, 00000001) 0022D858 00413D06 (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022D880, 61782C50) 0022D9A8 00413AB7 (00000001, 0A050CA8, 0022DA01, 00000001) 0022DDA8 004142CF (00000001, 00000000, 0A050CC8, 00416CDA) 0022DDE8 00409229 (00000000, 00000001, 00000002, 0A050CC0) 0022DE18 004099D1 (00000000, 00000001, 00000002, 0A050CC0) End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present) If I change the command entry in authorized_keys to: command="/usr/bin/strace -o/tmp/rsync-strace.out -f /usr/bin/rsync --server --daemon ." The server doesn't crash; instead, it just hangs somewhere in the middle of copying the data, which is further along then without strace. I can provide the strace output if that would help. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jim Gallagher Cypress, CA