This is an automatic reply from our mail server. If you did not send an e-mail, please disregard this mail, because a virus has simulated your e-mail address. Our mailserver detected a virus in your mail message to Your message has been blocked and deleted at our mailserver, the recipient did NOT receive your message. The virus detected is: Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos scan: Threat: 'W32/Sober-G' detected by 'Sophos AV Interface for MIMEsweeper'. Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos scan: Threat: 'W32/Sober-G' detected by 'Sophos AV Interface for MIMEsweeper'. We advise you to contact your local system administrator. Kind regards, Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions Vlietweg 15 2266 KA Leidschendam The Netherlands Tel: ++31 70 3705 400 Fax: ++31 70 3201 654 e-mail: