I found my problem. The default for all modules is to be READ ONLY. adding the
following to the module corrected the issue:
read only = false
Jason de la Fuente
>>> "Jason delaFuente" <jason.delafuente@gbe.com>
01/19/04 11:43AM >>>
I have an rsync server running on nodeA and a client, nodeB.
I am attempting to do a sync/copy from the local machine, nodeB, to the rsync
server, nodeA.
The following line from the rsync man page makes it look like this is relatively
for copying from the local machine to a remote rsync server. This is invoked
when the destination path contains a :: separator or a rsync:// URL.
I have setup the following entry in my rsyncd.conf file on my server:
path = /rsync/clientdata
I have the following directory setup on my client:
I run the following command on the client, nodeB:
rsync -vvvvv --port=1477 /rsync/client/scriptoutput/* nodeA::clientdata
and get the following output:
opening tcp connection to nodeA port 1477
expand file_list to 4000 bytes, did move
[64950] i=0 <NULL> TEST mode=0100644 len=0
[64950] i=1 <NULL> TEST3 mode=0100644 len=0
send_file_list done
file list sent
send_files starting
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer
_exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c, line=177): entered
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(177)
_exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c, line=177): about to call exit(12)
I am relatively new to rsync so maybe I am missing someting really simple. Any
help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Jason de la Fuente
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