I've been following this list for several months, and
there has been discussion about ACL's, but I believe
that ACL's have NOT been included in rsync so far, and
especially not in version 2.5.5.
Based on the information you've given so far, I haven't
been able to reproduce your problem. I am able to rsync
as the root user a directory that is owned by an
unprivileged user, and the directory I'm rsync'ing
has drwxrwx--- permissions - same as yours.
Please paste in the exact command you're using to do the
Hardy Merrill
Red Hat, Inc.
Thierry ITTY [thierry.itty@besancon.org] wrote:> I have 2 servers I'm keeping synch'ed via rsync
> intel rh9 boxes with 2.4.20 kernel with xfs (1.3.0), acl, quota... and ootb
> rsync 2.5.5 rpm
> it works fine since a while
> recently I created a directory with restricted access, and I get
> "permission denied" error messages. this directory named
> to user "user1" group "group1" and has drwxrwx---
access, + explicit acls
> (see below)
> on both sides (client and server) I'm running as root, as you'll
see below,
> and it doesn't work thought root is supposed to have an implicit access
> I tried to give an explicit root access through ACLs, but it doesn't
> on the other hand, if I give "other" rx rights, it works fine.
> the problem is that it is NOT secure to give "other" a
read/execute access
> to this directory, nor is it possible to change the user or group owners
> [root@master dir]# getfacl RESTRICTED/
> # file: RESTRICTED
> # owner: user1
> # group: group1
> user::rwx
> group::rwx
> mask::rwx
> other::---
> default:user::rwx
> default:group::rwx
> default:group:group1:rwx
> default:mask::rwx
> default:other::---
> [root@master dir]# ls -ald RESTRICTED/
> drwxrwxr-x 5 user1 group1 16384 nov 20 18:00 RESTRICTED/
> [root@master dir]# cat /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
> # default: off
> # description: The rsync server is a good addition to an ftp server, as it
> # allows crc checksumming etc.
> service rsync
> {
> disable = no
> # *** disable = yes
> socket_type = stream
> wait = no
> user = root
> server = /usr/bin/rsync
> server_args = --daemon
> log_on_failure += USERID
> }
> How does rsync check permissions ??? is it ACL compatible ?
> thanks for advice
> Please cc me (thierry.itty@besancon.org) I'm not subscribed
> --
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